FoundSM Voted One of the 2016 Best Places to Work in Indiana

1 min read
Feb 29, 2016 10:48:52 AM

The votes are in (drumroll, please): Found Search + Marketing has made the 2016 Best Places to Work in Indiana list. (Cue the roaring crowd and champagne showers.)

In order to make the cut, all companies that participated in this competition received an in-depth evaluation that identifies the strengths and weaknesses according to their employees. We are honored that the Indiana Chamber of Commerce selected us among the 48 small companies (15-74 U.S. employees) who made the list.

“The companies selected represent some of our most outstanding Hoosier employers. They embrace the idea that a positive work culture that includes respect, communication, opportunity and being part of a team not only makes it a place in which employees want to work but also fuels the success of the company,” states Indiana Chamber President Kevin Brinegar.

You may be wondering, what makes this digital marketing agency one of the best places to work? Some may say it’s our close-knit team, flexible working environment, casual dress code, unlimited vacation, free lunches, endless caffeinated, carbonated beverages, ball chairs, greasy Friday breakfasts, and “working with really smart people” — as our COO Kelley Swart highlights.

When asked what makes FoundSM so special, Account Analyst Evan Deal highlights two important reasons we love to come to work every day: our work ethic and our people.

“I love that we live out our principles as a company. For example, we have a sign on the wall that says, Work Hard and Be Nice to People. We reflect that sentiment as an organization: a group of individuals who, through collective dedication and positive disposition, provide a high level of service for our clients. It's refreshing to work in an environment where we stand by our beliefs.”

We are honored to make the top 100 list. To learn more about the selection process and to size up our competition, check out this Indiana Chamber press release.

Update May 9, 2016: FoundSM placed #28 on the Small Companies list! View the full press release and final rankings here.

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