There’s something really exciting brewing between Bing and FoundSM! Today, as part of their expansion of the Bing Partner Program, Microsoft named our agency as one of a group of key partners to act as trusted advisors to their growing customer base for search advertising opportunities with the Bing Network.
As a Select Partner to Bing Ads, the world’s number two search advertising provider, Found Search + Marketing will continue to enhance the expertise and service provided to our clients through exclusive access to training, marketing, and technology development. We look forward to expanding our search advertising offering with Bing Ads as it continues to grow globally, with nearly one-third PC search market share in the US, over 20% in the UK, and over 10% in 5 additional markets.
Search advertising, which today makes up 52% of all digital advertising spend, is a core area of investment for our clients. Over the past 10 years, FoundSM has successfully offered choice and increased levels of ROI to search advertising clients thanks to our partnership with Bing. As Ryan Eme, our Director of Paid Search, says: “The partnership with Bing Ads has proven to be valuable to the growth and success of our clients’ campaigns. We utilize the industry trends, customer insights and behaviors, beta opportunities, and general collaboration from our Bing Ads teams to help shape our campaign strategy and approach. Our partnership ensures our team makes data-driven decisions that translate into client success.”
With Microsoft’s search advertising revenue growth of over 24% YOY in FY16, our ongoing partnership will bring increased business opportunity for our current and future clients. For further details about the Bing Partner Program, please visit:
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